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【安心の正規品・新品 (Reliable official product ・ Brand new)】

◎オリオン(Orion) KGJ-L65F /L70F 左利き用 の特徴
(Features of KGJ-L65F/L70F Left-handed series)
● KGJ-L65F
” ラインの美しいシンプルなデザインのレフティシザー ”
誰の手にもすぐなじむ GJタイプハンドル。
” Left-handed scissors with beautiful lines and simple design ”
A GJ type handle that fits in anyone's hand.
It is a design that does not put a burden on your arms and shoulders.
The blunt sharpness is ideal for base cuts.
● KGJ-L70F
” 大型レフティ(左利き用) ”
指掛け一体型、シンプルなデザインの GJオフセットハンドル。
” Large left-handed scissors ”
GJ offset handle with integrated finger hook and simple design.
The counterbore of the thumb makes it easy to cut even at a flat angle.
Blunt long scissors are very popular not only for barbers, but also for men's cuts.
In addition, although it is a scissors for beauty, it has been well received by trimmers at pet salons.


・WEBカタログ(WEB Catalog)

商品型番(Product model number) | オリオン(Orion) KGJ-L65F |
オリオン(Orion) KGJ-L70F |
サイズ(Size) | 6.5インチ(inch) | 7.0インチ(inch) | |
全 長(Total Length)(1) | 17.8cm | 18.2cm | |
全 長(Total Length)(2) | 16.5cm | 17.1cm | |
刃 長(Blade length) | 7.4cm | 8.2cm | |
重 さ(Weight) | 59g | 66g | |
指穴リングサイズ(Finger hole ring size) | 動刃:Lサイズ 静刃:Lサイズ |
材 質(Material) | SUS特殊鋼(SUS special steel) | ||
刃形状(Blade shape) | ハマグリ刃(Convex Grind) | ||
ハンドル(handle) | オフセットハンドル(offset handle) |